Monday, January 30, 2012

Stationery card

Happy Heart Day Valentine's Card
Create custom cards for Valentines Day and Easter at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My baby girl turns 4!

The time crept up on us! It's hard to believe 4 years have gone by and my baby girl is 4. She is 4 inches taller than last year and sassy. She is also more mature and much more aware of life. She made us laugh when she asked for a computer upgrade and a tv for her birthday/Christmas. She really takes after her dad with her love for electronics.

With grandma Cline's help I was able to make a Hello Kitty cake for her birthday. It was so nice of Grammie (Sue) and Jeff to come all the way from Ohio for the big day! Allie even had her first big sleepover at their hotel. What a big girl! :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Five loaves and two fish.

Everyone goes through tough times. It's hard to see what's at the end of the tunnel. Some of the hard times come when you're not sure how things are going to get paid. With the economy being what it is I am sure there are so many people out there that totally know what I am saying.

Michael and I had a conversation a couple months ago about how we were going to pay a huge unexpected medical bill. I was having a tough day about it. Michael said " It will get taken care of . God has always provided. " I knew that in my head but at the time it was hard to see it.

Amazingly, days later someone heard about the bill and was prompted to pay it. Michael and I were crying in the kitchen and rejoiceing in God's awesomeness. It was just amazing to see God provide.

Life doesn't stand still and there is always something more. We just had some of the bills paid and our son needed emergency surgery. Things were quickly going over our head money wise. Again, we feel like we are drowning. But its even in the little things that God pops out and says I will never let you forget about me. I will always provide for you. Thats when we got a call and someone dropped off a whole turkey dinner and about three hundred dollars in groceries. I mean wow!!

When we have nothing but five loves and two fish the Lord makes a feast for us! :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Finally the cast is off!!

Kai was the most excited 8 year old I have ever seen when he got his cast off. It was like taking a leash off a puppy and letting them run wild. Only problem is I am a nervous wreck. lol. Especially when his teacher sends notes with all caps and bold writing saying " PLEASE TALK TO YOUR SON AND LET HIM KNOW HE MUST SLLLLLLLOOOOWWW DOWN AT SCHOOL!!!! He is going to get HURT!"
After I read the note all I could do was sigh! Such is life with a 8 year old boy with all this energy! :) He's going to get hurt. There are going to be tears but ultimately I have to let him go and trust in my heavenly father. Otherwise I am going to go nuts with worry.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The cast

Early last week Ryah went back to the doctor to have a checkup. The doctor couldn’t believe how quickly she healed. She was pneumonia free and her asthma was back under control! Yay! What a relief. Ryah got the green light from the doctor to go back to school. To say that she was happy was an understatement.
Kai has been recovering very nicely from surgery. He’s adjusting again to life without being able to use his dominant right arm. He’s also had quite a bit of homework to do. This thankfully keeps him busy and his mind occupied.
Kai had about ten days in the soft cast. He really wanted out of it so he could have one that people could sign. We had a couple delays but off to the doctor we went for his checkup. They took another x-ray and determined he was in fact ready for a hard cast. After long and careful deliberation Kai chose green over hot pink for his cast color. What a happy boy! He said " Yay! Now you can sign it mommy"

On Monday, Kai was able to go back to school. He was excited beyond words. When he walked into the class the kids erupted with cheer! Meanwhile, I walked away nervous even though I know everything will be ok. I am still not convinced that bubble wrap wouldn't be a good idea.

Mommy heart attack

There are days you won’t forget as a mom. September 27th was one such day. My daughter had been struggling for days with her asthma. I knew something was night right. I took her to the doctor and he said “She has pneumonia. You’re so lucky you knew something was wrong and brought her in”. In my mind I was thinking” wow he gives me too much credit I really didn’t know it was that bad thank you Lord for your wisdom”.
As we were filling Ryah’s prescription I got a call from Kai’s school nurse. “Your son fell and you should come check him out”. I was thinking “It’s going to be no big deal accidents happen besides the nurse didn’t sound like it was that serious.” We get to the school and here is my poor little man and he starts crying and the nurse said” He’ll be fine he wasn’t really crying that much before you got here” He said “it hurts so bad and it feels like when I broke it before” As he said that I could hear dun dun dun with uh oh music going in my head. This isn’t going to be good.
Off to urgent care we went and during the x-ray I wanted to cry because he was screaming in agony. The x-ray tech didn’t know if he could get through it. Poor Kai! He was so brave! After the x-ray the doctor came in right away and said “you need to go see the surgeon right away” My mommy car came to a screeching halt and I said “wait what? Surgery? “ “Yep he needs surgery” The doc said.
We met with the surgeon and he confirmed the worst of it. Off to the hospital we went. The doctors and nurses were so kind. Kai was having a hard time he was in so much pain. They couldn’t really give him anything. But before we knew it he was whisked away to surgery. I wish Michael was able to be there (He was sick and so were the girls) because I was a mess. Nobody wants to see their kid in surgery no matter what the procedure.
They called me back to say Kai was out of surgery and he was doing fine. Yay! I went in there and he said” Hi. Mommy can I have a Popsicle?” That’s what every mom wants to hear. :) Not long had passed and he asked for a big fat cheeseburger. Lol He was doing fantastic. An hour after he was coming round in recovery I tucked him in at home. I couldn’t help but sighing and I thought “Finally all my babies are safe and sound in bed”. :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

the kids n stuff

Well the kids have had me sooo busy. Who would've thought that I would have my bathroom painted with tooth paste. 4 diaper changes on the go just from Toy r us to Old Navy. Dinners to make. House to clean. Appointments to go to. Boo boo's to clean. Etc... All in a days work!! But I got Flowers from hubby. Yay!! Oh and I can't forget the choclate!!

I don't think I ever really thought of myself as the house wife material. But as time goes by no matter how frustraiting the days are sometimes. God is good and I am breathing. And I love my family. But no matter the trials God is helping me everyday to fit into the housewife routine. And I have to say I kind of like it!! lol :)

Speaking of diaper changes.... I gotta run!!